4 month
Forms needed for completion prior to your 4 month visit:
What to expect at your child's 4 month visit:
- Your nurse will see you first, weighing your baby, taking vitals and asking a few questions.
- The provider will see you next, performing a full exam on baby, asking and answering your questions.
- Your nurse will re-enter the room at the end of the visit to give any required vaccines.
Vaccines received at this visit:
- Hepatitis B
- Rotavirus
- Pentacel (DTaP, Polio, HiB)
- Pneumococcal
Our well child visit schedule, along with recommended vaccinations and labwork can be seen here.
What to bring to your child's 4 month visit:
- Soft blanket to wrap them up in between nurse and provider check-up.
- Milk or pacifier to soothe baby after receiving their vaccine.
Read about normal development for 4-6 months: